Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Infobright 3.5 and 4.0 build/compile issue

It has been a while since I've had time to work with the Infobright source code.
Today I've decided to install the Infobright 4.0 from scratch on a totally new Ubuntu machine, the build went fine, so did the installation... Except for all the missing files such as the mysql-ib client, the init.d script, etc.
This basically means that some work has to been done to get Infobright fully up and running.
make PREFIX=/opt/infobright EDITION=community release
make PREFIX=/opt/infobright EDITION=community install-release
The lines above work compiles and "installs" Infobright from source, but doesn't install the files described above.
To install the missing files/symlinks perform the following steps.
  1. Go to the Infobright installation directory, cd /opt/infobright in my case.
  2. Copy the $SOURCE_DIR/build/community/release/vendor/support-files directory to the installation directory.
  3. Copy all *.in files from $SOURCE_DIR/src/build/pkgmt to the new support-files directory in the installation directory.
  4. Copy the $SOURCE_DIR/build/community/release/vendor/scripts directory to the installation directory.
  5. The last step is to run the script  $SOURCE_DIR/src/build/pkgmt/ which has to be run from the installation directory.
Now all the expected files/symlinks exists, the mysql-ib client, the /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib and the configuration files.
    As requested in comment I've added the mysqld-ib file mysqld-ib