Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ICE 4.0.3 importer IGNORE LINES patch

Since the last patch of this specific bug, it still hasn't been fixed. Because of this I've decided to implement it again in the new ICE 4.0.3 version.

The patch must be applied in the root of the source code direction using the following command:
patch -p2 < ignorelines403.patch

Patch file:

Changes between ICE 3.5.2 and 4.0.3

It has been a while since my last comparison, but now it's time again. This time a comparison between 3.5.2 and 4.0.3, and indeed a lot of changes has been made. As always also take a look at the release notes.
As described in the release notes, the biggeste changes includes Domain Expert and Rough Queries. There is a lot of information about these on the web, and will not be explained here.
Some of the minor changes includes:
  • LOCK TABLE returns wrong command, as ICE doesn't support it.
  • Aggregations now supports out of range values, instead of setting default 0.0.
  • Better handling of dates during aggregation.
  • Better query debug log information, especially for joins.
  • Better error handling.
  • Exporter acknowledges escape character.
Also changes to the configuration possibilities have been made.
  • sync_buffers (flushes table buffers).
  • Many configuration options can now be shown using SHOW VARIABLES. All the variables starts with brighthouse_ini.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Infobright 3.5 and 4.0 build/compile issue

It has been a while since I've had time to work with the Infobright source code.
Today I've decided to install the Infobright 4.0 from scratch on a totally new Ubuntu machine, the build went fine, so did the installation... Except for all the missing files such as the mysql-ib client, the init.d script, etc.
This basically means that some work has to been done to get Infobright fully up and running.
make PREFIX=/opt/infobright EDITION=community release
make PREFIX=/opt/infobright EDITION=community install-release
The lines above work compiles and "installs" Infobright from source, but doesn't install the files described above.
To install the missing files/symlinks perform the following steps.
  1. Go to the Infobright installation directory, cd /opt/infobright in my case.
  2. Copy the $SOURCE_DIR/build/community/release/vendor/support-files directory to the installation directory.
  3. Copy all *.in files from $SOURCE_DIR/src/build/pkgmt to the new support-files directory in the installation directory.
  4. Copy the $SOURCE_DIR/build/community/release/vendor/scripts directory to the installation directory.
  5. The last step is to run the script  $SOURCE_DIR/src/build/pkgmt/install-infobright-linux.sh which has to be run from the installation directory.
Now all the expected files/symlinks exists, the mysql-ib client, the /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib and the configuration files.
    As requested in comment I've added the mysqld-ib file mysqld-ib